Partners Ecosystem

Join our global community of partners to improve urban mobility and create sustainable cities.

Partner with Telraam to help bring our innovative traffic counting solutions worldwide. We believe in the power of collaboration, with citizens, local authorities and mobility professionals - and together with our partners, we can promote smarter transportation and foster sustainable cities.
Apply now

Become a partner today and let’s make a difference together!

We’re looking for individuals and organisations who share our core value: placing data at the heart of mobility and urban planning discussions, to enable science-based communication between citizens and transport authorities.

We invite anyone with proven expertise in citizen participation to help us spread the word about Telraam. Whether your experience lies in communication, workshop facilitation, citizen labs, or citizen science projects, we need your support! A background in mobility is a plus.

Increase your local impact

Telraam helps you enhance your local impact by bringing a new way to foster citizen-transport authority discussions on how to best plan the urban espace, based on objective data.

Join an international partner community

Become part of a collaborative ecosystem where you can exchange ideas, resources and expertise with like-minded people and organisations.

Expand your market reach

Offer customers tailored Telraam solutions for their specific needs: leverage our traffic counting platform to unlock new professional services opportunities and boost your revenue.

Become a partner in 4 steps

Fill out the 2-minute partner application form
Tell us a bit about yourself, what you do and how you want to be involved. We’ll review your application within 2 weeks.

Schedule an introductory 30-min meeting
Let’s connect and discuss how we can collaborate.

Get trained
Get insights into the Telraam solution, our customers' challenges and learn how we can help them. Earn your certificate as an approved partner.

Join the Telraam Partner Community
Access exclusive benefits such as early beta tests, expert tips, implementation guidance, and networking through regular meet-ups.

We support you

Access exclusive documents, marketing opportunities, and
dedicated support with our Partner Program.

Online onboarding program with certification
Sales & Product Training Documentation
Recurring review meetings and performance assessment
Visibility on Telraam Website
Access to Telraam Partners’ Community
Dedicated annual business plan
Asynchronous technical and operational support

Become a Telraam partner

Join our partnership program and become part of our vibrant community. Together, let's pave the way for a more sustainable future in mobility!


What is the Telraam Partner Program?

The program is designed for individuals and organizations in the mobility field who believe in our collaborative approach to shaping urban mobility and want to promote a new way of collecting and using mobility data.

The program has 2 main tracks :
  • Ambassador Partner Program: designed for individuals who want to help promote Telraam to their network by referring, selling and implementing Telraam solutions, and potentially incorporating extra services to our offering (such as workshops, data analysis, among others).
  • Value-added Partner Program: designed for organisations and consulting companies that want to integrate Telraam into their existing offerings to enrich their solution and maximise client value.

What are the requirements of joining the Telraam Partner Program?

To become a Telraam’s partner:
  • You share our core value: science-based discussions between public authorities and citizens shape a better future for urban mobility
  • You have a registered business
  • You have a minimum knowledge on citizen engagement and participation. Mobility knowledge is a plus.
  • You believe in our solution!

What can I expect from Telraam ?

We’ll support you along the way ! You can expect from our side:
  • Our full support to help you succeed in your mission: onboarding program, necessary sales/service assets, product and sales training material
  • Visibility on our website
  • Recurring check-ins and a personal point of contact
  • Network events with other partners
  • Preferential price, in form of commission or discounted price for engaged partners

What is expected from me as a Telraam partner?

  • You have an extensive network who are or could be Telraam clients
  • You add value to our offering by integrating potential additional services that could help local clients thrive (advice, workshops, analysis, …)
  • You are responsible for solution implementation (client onboarding) and 1st line support for your client-base
  • You bring in a minimum number of subscriptions sold per year, defined at the onboarding phase

What other revenue can I get?

We often currently support our local customers with a variety of services during their interventions, deployments and analysis. You’ll be able to add any additional services to the offering, and get 100% of the revenue on it.

How do I complete certifications?

Certifications are free for all partners. Once your application is accepted, you will get access to our Partner Academy with certifications in every step: from sales strategies, implementation, product knowledge and more

When will I see myself listed as an official Telraam partner on your website? Can I list myself as an official partner on my website?

You can list yourself as a Telraam partner on your website once you have completed the required onboarding steps. We’ll proudly display your contact information on our website as well.

How do I apply to become an Telraam Partner?

Submit your application here!

Any other questions?

Contact us here


Don't hesistate to get in touch!